We can differentiate various banks that will offer you loans you can use by using your household as security. The most common are regular lenders, while you can also choose niche banks that will offer you loans secured by housing in case other banks refuse you.
Although we will discuss all aspects, we will prioritize niche banks in this article because they are more relevant. You can learn more at this website to help you determine the best course of action. The procedure is more complex and will require additional paperwork and documentation from you.
Why Should You Choose Niche Banks?

We can differentiate three situations when you can apply to a niche bank to obtain a secured loan you wanted in the first place.
- Payment Remarks – Most people who borrow from specific niche banks already have payment remarks. We are talking about factors that will offer you a direct rejection from the conventional lender. Therefore, you should choose niche banks instead.
- Bridge Financing – If you apply to a regular bank and they reject bridge financing since you wish to change a household, you can choose a wide array of options to help you throughout the process. They are more willing to offer you immediate financing than other available options.
- Mortgages – Suppose an ordinary savings bank rejects your mortgage application because you have a fluctuating income due to self-employment. In that case, you should choose niche banks offering you peace of mind.
Generally, niche banks are perfect alternatives in case regular ones reject you. In most cases, you can use your dwellings as a security, even if you have a payment remark, which can be risky due to foreclosure issues. Still, it would be best if you were timely with payments, and everything could go smoothly.
Tips for Finding the Best Loan Secured by Dwelling

The most crucial factor is to save time and money. For instance, you can find an intermediary, such as a skilled loan agent, who will represent you and find you the best loan product.
Suppose you decide to use an agent. In that case, you must write a single application, and the agent will do the rest. Then, you will receive a maximum number of offers without contacting each bank separately, offering you peace of mind.
The first and most important reason to do it is to save time since you will only visit relevant banks with help. Therefore, you can leave an application with personal information to an agent who will handle each step on your behalf. If you apply for a secured loan, the agent will use it free of charge.
Terms and Conditions

Similarly, as with any other secured loan, your borrowing options are limited by the value of your household and your chance to pay them. Remember that these factors will directly affect interest rates. The maximum loan amount and period you will get from niche banks depends on numerous factors, meaning you can only expect something after applying.
The loan amount is different because banks assess your financial status and household individually based on the market value of your home and your ability to repay monthly installments for a certain period.
Still, you will get more money lender by obtaining a secured loan instead of an unsecured option. The most common limits are between five and seven million kroner. At the same time, you will choose a loan period based on your preferences since the shorter term will increase your monthly expenses, while the longer one will reduce them.
The maximum is thirty years in all situations, while some banks offer twenty-five years as the cap. Remember that the LTV ratio requirement follows the relevant guidance. Therefore, if you own an ordinary home and put it as collateral, you can borrow up to eighty-five of its market value.
On the other hand, if you wish to put your holiday home as collateral, the most common option is up to seventy-five percent of market value. Remember that the effective interest rates on secured, household-backed loans are between three and five percent. Still, they can vary based on the establishment fee size and the number of installments you make.
Remember that the establishment fee varies depending on the bank you choose. Some require a fixed amount, while others charge a percentage of the loan. The main idea is to compare at least three offers to help you determine the best one for your needs.
Another important consideration is that a loan can have the lowest interest rates available. However, you may still get a more expensive solution than other options, mainly due to the establishment fee.
Apart from this expense, each bank will charge you a fee for monthly installments, while you must pay for registration of the mortgage as well. These fees are fixed, meaning monthly installments are fifty kroner each month, while registration goes up to five hundred kroner.
You should know that most niche banks will accept collateral from another person, meaning you do not need to place your place as collateral. A guarantor should be your cohabitant, spouse, parent, or family member.
Still, the best course of action is to provide your collateral because taking on guarantor liability comes with a specific risk you should disclose beforehand.
The First Priority on Lien

You should know that the housing market prices are continually rising. Therefore, we recommend avoiding someone forcing you to sell your apartment because you cannot handle the debt. The mortgage will be specifically registered when someone takes your home as collateral.
We are discussing the registration in the Property Register and Norwegian Mapping Authority. Therefore, the regulation states that the lender who registers the first right gets priority regarding a mortgage. As a result, the lender is entitled to settle a loan when selling a home.
Therefore, if you wish to move to a new bank or get another security loan, you must understand the priority throughout the process.
Moving the Mortgage
Suppose you get a refinancing loan by using specific collateral from different banks. In that case, a new bank should handle the loan transfer from one to another. As a result, they will directly settle your old mortgage, handle registration, and register the new one at the register mentioned above.
Since most processes nowadays happen digitally, including signing a loan agreement and entering BankID, the process is seamless and does not require too much time. It is simpler for you when a bank takes a second priority on the mortgage, meaning this is a standard solution in case you need a sizeable loan-to-value ratio.
Second Priority
Another important consideration is that banks can accept second-priority mortgages, which makes securing them for refinancing much faster. The second priority means that no one can force you out of the existing deal, even if the real estate value increases significantly.
Still, the mortgage must have a relevant value for this to happen. This means you will need a home worth approximately two million kroner. At the same time, the LTV is eighty-five percent, meaning you cannot borrow further. We recommend you click here to learn more about the different mortgage products you can choose from.
As a result, fifteen percent of that will remain within your home as equity to your bank, especially in case of a default and foreclosure. Still, they must consider this scenario before making up their minds. However, the valuation may not be relevant to the current market value, while the chances for negative equity are also on the table.
Suppose the bank cannot refinance the entire amount you owe due to negative equity or lower value than the amount you owe. In that case, you must prioritize the entire process.
We recommend eliminating the most expensive credits with the highest interest rates. Another option is to ask someone with a high credit score to be a guarantor for the loan you wish to take.
The main idea is that when you apply for a loan secured by a household, the bank will have a second priority, meaning the amount you will get will be lower than the market value. This means the bank must be confident they will get their money back if you default.
As a result, you will get a lower amount than the regular LTV percentage, which is vital to remember. The amount depends on the lender, but we recommend you talk with an agent about what you wish to achieve, which will help you determine whether you have a sound request based on your current financial situation.